It's been much discussed, much-researched, much-obsessed over, but yesterday I made an investment that will no doubt change my life.
Yes, I bought a television. But not just any television - a 40-inch, 1080 p, 120 hz top of the line, state of the art Samsung television.
I wasn't planning on such a purchase a couple of months ago, but after learning that my new placement will take me to the edge of civilization, a friend said, "Ogle, I think a big screen television now becomes a completely justifiable purchase." Figuring that the television and I would be rediscovering our relationship, I readily agreed.
I have been researching what I "needed", how much I was willing to spend, and yesterday those two factors came together thanks to an end of the model year, a Best Buy associate eager to make a sale and a girlfriend who knows how to haggle for a half-price television.
I know my life will never be the same. I don't know how I did ministry before this purchase, but I am quite sure that my new parishioners will greatly benefit from this investment. And I have a feeling I might be attracting some visitors to watch football on Saturdays.
Yes, life is good.
5 years ago
When I saw the title of this post, I thought it was about me.
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